Senin, 13 September 2010

Send Fake Email – Fake Email Pranks

Most of the email forging tutorials on internet will teach us how to send fake email connecting to SMTP server of the ISP or any other domain. But this is not possible since these hacks will no longer work today because SMTP of remote server will reject any attempts for unauthorised access. Also many of the websites offer you to send fake email from their sites where none of them work. So we have to run our own SMTP server on our computer to successfully send a fake email. SMTP server is a simple software program which can be installed on your computer in few seconds. SMTP server allows you to send fake email right from your desktop easily and effectively.Download QK SMTP server HERE. This is the SMTP server i am using in my tutorial. Once you download and install the server on your comp then you are all set to send fake email successfully.

Once you have installed the QK SMTP server on your comp you must perform the following configuration.
1. Click on “Settings” button on the main screen,the Settings window pops up
2. On Settings window click on “Basic Parameter” tab
3. Set binding IP to “″
4. Set port to “25″

1. Click on SMTP server icon on your desktop to start your SMTP server to run(The icon is shown on the notification area of the taskbar if it is running). If it is already running then this step can be ignored
2. Goto command prompt(Start-Accessories-Command prompt)
3. Type exactly as follows
C:\>telnet 25
Here is the default IP of every computer.25 is the port number. SO you are connecting to the SMTP server running on your own computer. This step is very importand to send fake email.
NOTE: The IP should not be substituted by any other IP.
Heres the snapshot of what you see after step 3. Click on it to enlarge
4. After typing the telnet command in the command prompt you get entry to the server which displays the following message. The response of a OK SMTP server is given below.Message within Green color is only explanation.
220 Welcome to QK SMTP Server 3
helo hacker (Type helo & any name followed by space)
250 Hello hacker (Server Welcomes You)
mail (email ID can be anything of your choice. This is the ID from which fake email appears to have come from)250 Address Okay (Server gives a positive response)rcpt (Type any valid recipient email address)250 Address Okay (Server gives a positive response)data (type this command to start input data)354 Please start mail input
From:Gates <>
Date:Sat Jan 5,2008 9:45 PM
Subject:Test to send fake email
You can create as many headers followed by the “:” symbol.
NOTE: HEADERS SHOULD NOT CONTAIN A LINE GAP. IF SO IT IS CONSIDERED AS BODY OF THE EMAIL. Press enter twice so that there is a line gap between the header & body data
<HERE IS YOUR DATA>End the body of email by pressing [ENTER] .(dot) [ENTER]
250 Mail queued for delivery (Sever indicates that the email is ready for sending)quit (Type this command to quit from server)221 Closing connection. Good bye.
Connection to host lost
(You will get the above 2 lines of message after typing “quit” command)
(Your fake email is sent to the recipient)
Here’s the screenshot for your convenience


Source :

Become a Hacker

Most of us are very curious to learn Hacking and want to become a Hackerbut don’t know where to start. If you are in the same situation, then this is the right place for you.
Everyday I get a lot of emails where people ask me – How to Become a Hacker?. In fact this question is not easy to answer because, hacking is not an art that can be mastered overnight. It requires knowledge, skills, creativity, dedication and of course TIME. Everyone can become a Hacker provided they learn it from the basics. So if you wanna become a hacker, then all you need is a good source that will teach you hacking from the basics.

What skills do I need to Become a Hacker?

There is no magic to become a  Hacker, but like anything else that is worthwhile it takes dedication, a willingness to learn. It is most important to have a good knowledge of topics such as Operating system and it’s working, Computer networks, Computer security and of course Programming. It’s not possible to become a hacker overnight. All you need is a good source to start from the basics.

What is the best way to Become a Hacker?

The best way to become a Hacker is to start from the basics. You have to master the basics to build a strong foundation. And once this is done you’ll be in a position to explore new ideas and start thinking like a Hacker.
There exists tons of books on the market that teach you Hacking but unfortunately, it requires a set of pre-established skills and knowledge to understand the concepts explained in the book. Also these are not meant the for the beginners who doesn’t know anything about hacking. I have found an excellent Book for Beginners. This book is the first step to fulfil your dream to become a Hacker. Yes, this is the right source for the beginners who are interested to learn hacking from the basics. The good thing about this book is, any one can understand the concepts presented without the need for any prior knowledge. It’s called
Hacker's Underground Handbook
Learn Hacking
This book will take you from the core to the top. It will tell you how to hack in simple steps. Everything is presented in a simple and effective manner. It’s a great source for the beginner who want to become a Hacker. This will install a Hacker’s Mindset on you.
The following skills are uncovered in this book
1. You will learn all the hacker underground tricks and learn to apply them in real world situations.
2. You will be put into a hacker mindset and learn to think like a Hacker.
3. By learning how a hacker thinks and acts, you will be able to protect yourself from future hack attacks.
4. You will acquire knowledge nonexistent to 99.9% of the people in the world!
5. This Underground handbook may get you interested in pursuing a career as an Ethical Hacker.
This book is of great value for all those who have a dream to become a Hacker.
So what are you waiting for? Go grab your copy now from the following link

 Wait… This is not the end. Rather it is just the beginning of your journey to become a hacker. To become a hacker all you need is dedication and hard work. I wish you all the best for your future success.

Source :

Sleek Social Media Icons for Blogger

Before I started using Thesis WordPress theme for my blog I have to customize the theme a lot for a better look. It was really a challenging job for me. I have to make it look unique and also attractive with the Thesis theme coding and hacks which was totally different than customization in other wordpress themes. In the process I added the Sleek social media Icons in the theme just below each posts title which makes the Social Sharing much easier and also attractive. I got lots of requests from my blogger readers regarding this social bookmarking icons widget and so I am now here.
social media points52 Sleek Social Media Icons for Blogger
Well, Sleek Social media Icons is the social bookmarking widget for the Thesis Woordpress theme by Artofblog and now I have made it compatible for blogger blogs. You just need to follow the simple three steps below to add sleek social media icons into your blogger blog. This Sleek social media icons include a digg button, retweet button, facebook share button,  stumble button and a cute email this post link button.
sleek 500x51 Sleek Social Media Icons for Blogger
Sleek Social media Icons
First of all search for the follow line of code in your blogger Template.
Now in second step replace the above line of code with the following block of code.
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div class='social'>
<b class='si'>Spread it!</b>
<div class='social_button dg'>
<a class='DiggThisButton DiggCompact'/><script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<div class='social_button tm'>
<script type='text/javascript'>
tweetmeme_style = &quot;compact&quot;;
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<div class='social_button fb'>
<a expr:share_url='data:post.url' name='fb_share' rel='nofollow' type='button_count'/>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<div class='social_button su'>
<script src=''/>
<div class='social_button em'>
<a expr:href='&quot;mailto:?subject=Sharing:&quot; + data:post.title + &quot;&amp;body=I wanted to share this with you. Thought you might enjoy it:%0A%0A&quot; + data:post.url' target='_blank' title='Email This'>Email This</a>
<div class='clear'/>
Now in third step add the following code CSS code to your Blogger Templates just above]]></b:skin> to give the style to this social Media Icons.
.social { border: dashed #ddd; border-width:1px 0 1px 0; margin: 10px auto 10px; display:block; padding: 3px 0 1px 0px; overflow: hidden; }
.social .social_button {float: left; display: inline; overflow: hidden; height:22px; }.social .si { float:left;padding-top:3px;}
.social .social_button.dg { margin: 0px 0 0 30px ; padding-top: 2px;}
.social { margin: 0px 0 0 32px; padding-top: 4px;}
.social .social_button.fb { margin: 0 0 0 15px; padding-top:3px;}
.social { margin: 0px 0 0 35px; padding-top: 2px;}
.social .social_button.em { margin: 0 0 0 35px; padding-top: 3px;}
.social .social_button.em a{background:#eee url( 3px 50% no-repeat; padding:2px 3px 2px 22px; font-size:10px; border:#ddd 1px solid; text-decoration:none; -moz-border-radius: 3px; -webkit-border-radius: 3px;}
.social .social_button.em a:hover {background:#ddd url( 3px 50% no-repeat}
.social .social_button a img { border: 0; padding: 0; }
.social strong { font-size: 11px; float: left; margin:2px 0 0 0; color:#555;}

Now after you perform the above steps, Save your blogger Templates and see the sleek social media icons displayed and each of your blogger posts.

Hacking Yahoo Messenger

This tutorial will tell you how to hack yahoo messenger while you are engaged in chatting with some person. While you are chatting through yahoo messenger, Yahoo will hide the IP addresses of all the computers that are connected through the yahoo messenger application to the chat room. So it is not possible to directly find out the IP of the person you want to hack. Then how to get the IP address? Yes it is still possible to hack the IP address during the Yahoo messenger chat. The procedure to Hack Yahoo messenger is discussed in detail below.
While you are chatting via yahoo messenger the communication between you and the person you want to hack, takes place indirectly via Yahoo server and not directly. It is not possible to hack Yahoo messenger directly to get the IP address. So to hack his IP, you must establish a direct communication with him. So ,how to do this? It’s easy. Just start chatting with some one via Yahoo messenger. During the process of chatting send him a big file. Now the file transfer takes place directly between your computer and the victim’s computer(via yahoo messenger application). So now, you are ready to go. Here’s the step-by-step process to hack Yahoo messenger and get the IP address of the person .
  • Goto the COMMAND PROMPT (START>>>RUN>>>Type CMD).
  • Here Type “netstat -n” (without quotes).
NOTE: If you are new to “netstat” and other IP related commands refer this tutorial: Windows XP IP Utilities
  • The pic given below shows netstat results of my computer. I was not chatting when i took this pic and hence it looks modified.
  • Here local address is your own IP and the foreign address is the IP address of the recipient with whom you are connected via yahoo messenger (There may be multiple recipients and hence multiple foreign addresses).
  • Now send him the file.
  • Check the output by typing the command “netstat -n” (without quotes).
  • Assume the output is something like this.

Here is the IP address of the person with whom you are chatting and 1246 is the port number where connection is established. That’s It! You have now hacked Yahoo messenger to get his IP address.
Once you hack Yahoo messenger and get his IP address you can use any of the Remote Administration tools or perform NETBIOS HACKING.
NOTE: Some times there are chances where in the file transfer gets encrypted (takes place via yahoo server itself). So in this case the above hack may fail to work.

Registry Cleaning and Registry Repair Software

The Windows registry gets bigger every time you install a new program - it just keeps growing! It is a database which stores information on a computer’s configuration. Well, it does all that. It gathers all the unwanted information causing it to become fragmented and scattered, which slows your computer down and takes up all your space. 

With the registry growing so frequently, your whole system can be degraded and it will probably cause you endlessproblems with your software. To keep your computer running smoothly you should clean your windows as frequently as possible. Registry cleaner software is a custom made software program which helps you to easily remove unwanted information from your Windows registry. 

Registry cleaner software scans your system and finds all the wrong and unwanted information and deletes it permanently from the PC. Once that process is done your computer will have no more problems and it will run a lot faster. Most of the registry cleaner software also allows the user to backup all your information to store it to the registry just incase you experience some sort of system failure. This feature will also let you handle the startup easily. 

The Windows registry plays a very important role in the operation of your computer. Error messages and window crashers are usually caused by problems with the windows registry and those problems are most likely to be caused by software not being removed properly, information not removed after un-installation and hard drives that are corrupt. That will make the registry bigger causing your computer to slow down dramatically because it will take longer to acknowledge, search and read the data. 

The registry cleaner software will scan Windows and pick up and list all the errors it found, and then fix it all, making your computer faster. You can also repair any changes that were made. A high performance process is used to detect all the errors in the registry. You can also choose to individually clean items or you can just select them all. 

All traces of you being online and your internet history will also be removed, that way no one can interfere in your privacy and it takes normally a few minutes to perform the process. It will also remove all your junk files, manage your internet, and remove entries that are invalid. The registry cleaner software also includes options to mend or delete all shortcuts and to completely uninstall any software, which you do not want in your system.